My finger’s skin is getting really really dry and having wrinkles from 3 days i have applied almost half bottle of Vaseline petroleum jelly and tried alot of different mostrizing lotions on it. Also wearing gloves but didn’t feel a bit difference yet. Please suggest me something effective or should I visit dermatologist? Kuch bhi pakro tou uljhan hoti I'm having exams these days pen pkarny mein bhi uljhan hoti hai.
What condition causes your hands and feet to have a burning sensation? The burning only affects my hands and feet. It starts when I am trying to go to sleep and it also wakes me up during the night. I either use a fan or cold, wet, rags to help ease it. There are times that nothing helps. Some nights I cant sleep at all. What do you call this and what can be done for it?
As i m flat footed, whenever i do exercise or walk for long time i feel pain where there is supposed to have gap in feet , kindly tell me what should i do to cope with this problem. Thank you.
What can be the possible reason of grinding teeth of kids extremely at night.... my son is 8 years old and he is grinding too much of his teeth always
Hello. Seriously need advices and suggestions. So I got typhoid last month and I'm Alhamdulilah completely fine now. Problem is severe hair fall. My hairs getting thin every single day crazily. Please help me in this regard, any Dr. so I can get treatment or any home remedies or something?!!
Need some consultation Suffering from itching problem. Whenever I scratch my skin the skin peels off and pain occurs over the scratched area and after some time the burning sensation starts and After few days scars form on that area What could be the reason???
I'm addicted to eating Ice all the time. I know its not good for health but I cant help it. I crave for it all the time. Someone told me that It will have adverse effects on my teeth. Please tell what should I do. is there anything wrong with me?
Plz recomend any good Multi Vitams tablets/syrup for a mother of 1 kid. Kid is 3 years and mother is 30 years old.TIA
I.m married from 6 years allhumdulliah..Mashallah have one kid but I want to concieve again from last 4 years but no results...went to gynecologist in karachi fertility expert but no I m fed up and tired and want to know what I can do and where the best infertility specialist to be found.
My sister's 8 year old kid is continuously having headache since three fever or any other issue except little meal routine disturbance What could be possible causes and whom to visit other than pediatrician as we dont have any reliable ped around
Salam . My 13 months old baby yesterday swallowed 2 button bettries. And today he has passed the battries through his motion. Battery colour was black. My kid is behaving normal but still I'm worried. what should i do now? Should i take him to the doctor?
My wife is 6 months pregnant and she wakes in the morning with numb hands with severe wrist pain. The wrist pain occurs through out the day. Please advise
What are the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy? Result showing positive on strip and urine test. But in ultrasound, it is showing nothing. Please guide what to do?
What does a weak pregnancy mean? What can b the reason behind weak pregnancy? How can we control misscarring it? Its my 2nd time doc said you'll miscarry because of weak pregnancy, I wanna know the reason behind this?
I am having severe skin itching and burning sensation on both arms since last 6-7 years. Rest of body is fine. Please help me to get rid of that. Age:27/No other desiese.
I have swollen puffy gums how to reduce the pain as it pains occassionally but when it does pain I cannot even eat my food. I have tooth decay below that the gum is swollen and becomes puffy occassionally.
What could be the possible reasons of hands and legs tremor/shivering, sweating in hands and under feet, increased heart beat ? There is no issue with thyroid. No such weakness.
I'm getting sharp intense pain in the left side of my head which stays for just a few seconds but is so severe that I have to press my head. It's happening since yesterday right after i got my head massaged by my maid. What could be the reason? And how can I help it?
Assalam o Alaikum, I need dentist opinion plz. My 13 year old daughter has overlapping teeth. She has 5,6 teeth in duplicate. I want to know the reason for this and advice regarding appropriate treatment. Secondly my 7 year old daughter has big spaces, atleast of two teeth
I’m 19 years old and am losing my hair like big time. Is that normal? Started to get bald spot up front. I am scared I will soon lose all the hair on top of my head. Everyone else in my family seems to be ok. No one had that problem at that age. Help me!